
UAPD Updates

Sacramento County Doctors Vote on New Agreement

Following six months of extensive negotiations, in November the UAPD Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with Sacramento County for a new five year agreement.  The UAPD Bargaining Team unanimously recommended ratification of this agreement, which has gone to...

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More Safety Measures Implemented at DSH

UAPD continues to push for safety enhancements at all of the Department of State Hospital (DSH) facilities.  Patton State Hospital recently launched a comprehensive personal alarm system similar to the one installed at Napa State Hospital in 2012.  In addition, a...

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UAPD Retiree Chapter Elects New Officers

UAPD retired members at the union’s annual meeting in October elected Dr. Joyce Sutton as President of the UAPD’s retired members’ chapter.  Dr. Carol Smith was elected Vice-President of the Chapter.  Dr. Danilo Lucila was voted Secretary and former UAPD Executive...

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New UC Union Recognized

Dear Doctors, Today the University of California (UC) formally recognized the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) as the exclusive bargaining representative of doctors working in the student health centers.  This marks the successful completion of an...

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UAPD Forms New Union at the University of California

Today the University of California (UC) formally recognized the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) as the exclusive bargaining representative of doctors working in the student health centers on all ten UC campuses.  This marks the successful completion...

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