
UAPD Updates

UC Makes Unreasonable Offer to Doctors

The UAPD Bargaining Team had two negotiation sessions with the University last week. UC raised their initial 1.5% across-the-board salary offer to 2%, but said their offer is still for the first year only. In the subsequent three contract years, raises for student...

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Message from UAPD’s AHS Bargaining Committee

Your UAPD Committee has been meeting with AHS Management weekly since August to negotiate a new contract for the UAPD physicians and dentists.  So far, we have proposed improvements to tuition reimbursement; increased educational leave; board certification fee...

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Santa Clara Contract Approved

With unanimous support, UAPD members approved the tentative agreement on Wednesday.  The County Board of Supervisors will hold an emergency meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 for the first hearing and vote.  The second reading will occur on August 5, 2014.  Two...

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Receiver’s CDCR Layoff Memo Was Premature

Some Physicians working within the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation have received a memorandum from Receiver Clark Kelso regarding the reduced inmate population and the possibility of layoffs within California Correctional Health Care Services...

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TA reached in Santa Clara County

On July 2nd, the UAPD Bargaining Team in Santa Clara County reached a tentative agreement with their employer during mandatory mediation.  Mediation was scheduled after doctors in the unit voted to reject an offer made by the County in April.   A major issue of...

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UAPD Urges UC to Pick Up the Pace

UAPD's bargaining team and UC management representatives have continued to meet for negotiations toward a first contract that will cover physicians, dentists, and podiatrists at the student health and counseling centers statewide. Unfortunately, after nine negotiation...

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