
UAPD Updates

Vote No on Prop 45 and Prop 46

By Stuart A. Bussey, M.D., J.D., UAPD President If they pass, Propositions 45 and 46 will amount to nothing but trouble for doctors. Take Proposition 45. Up to this point California’s insurance rates have been regulated by an independent commission.  Prop 45 would...

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Gardner Begins E/PERC Meetings

Gardner providers had their first E/PERC Committee meeting on October 16, 2014. Union members and management came together to discuss several issues impacting providers' schedules and workloads. This E/PERC shall be an ongoing committee between labor and management,...

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CSU Bargaining Update

Bargaining between UAPD and California State University began with a meeting in May, and then talks were put on hold for the summer months.  Our contract, which normally would have expired on June 30th, has been extended, so all language remains in effect during...

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Next CCSF Raise

Classes 2230, 2232, and 2233 will receive salary increases ranging from 10.8% at the highest Steps to 12.1% for Steps 3 through 5, effective January 3, 2015. These raises are the final installment of increases that your bargaining team successfully fought for in...

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Bills Helping DSH Signed into Law

For several years UAPD members and staff have been working to improve employee and patient safety at the Department of State Hospitals (DSH).  Alongside other unions representing DSH workers, UAPD has been promoting legislation aimed at curbing violence and assaults...

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