
UAPD Updates

Difficult Negotiatons with AHS

Alameda Health Systems' persistent failure to be prepared for bargaining sessions shows disrespect to the UAPD membership and the bargaining process.  Bargaining has been cancelled four times due to lack of preparation on the part of AHS. In addition, AHS has failed...

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Pace Quickens in CSU Bargaining

Bargaining between UAPD and California State University (CSU) has progressed more quickly in the last few weeks, with tentative agreements (TAs) being reached on several non-economic proposals.  The following changes will go into effect only once a final agreement is...

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UAPD and Alameda Health Services Far Apart in Bargaining

Alameda Health Services has shown itself to be ill-prepared to bargain with UAPD doctors.  Over the last few months, they have cancelled four sessions of bargaining with UAPD.  AHS has also failed to provide vital information necessary for the Union to prepare and...

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UC Doctors Authorize Strike

After 35 bargaining sessions over ten months, there is still no agreement between UAPD and the University of California over terms for a first contract for UC Student Health Center doctors.  After months of bad faith bargaining on the part of UC, in November the UAPD...

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AFSCME Family Scholarship Program

Each year the AFSCME Family Scholarship Program provides ten $2,000 scholarships to high school seniors, which will be renewed for a maximum of four years.  Children of UAPD members are welcome to apply.  Applications must be post-marked by December 31, 2014.  More...

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Photos from the Annual Meeting Available Online

UAPD held its annual statewide membership meeting in Sacramento on October 25th.  Click here to see photos.  In addition to the meeting, there was a productive board meeting the evening before, a fascinating ethics CME Saturday morning, and a steward training in the...

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