
UAPD Updates

Bargaining Update for LA Physicians

UAPD Bargaining Unit 324 negotiations are slowly moving forward.  Healthcare Reform may be the biggest social and economic development in decades, but the County has had little to say about a comprehensive strategy for recruitment and retention of Bu 324 doctors.  How...

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Raises for LA County Psychiatrists and Dentists

Los Angeles BU 325 Psychiatrists and Dentists have overwhelmingly approved their new agreement, the terms of which are summarized below.  The language will not go into effect until approved by the Board of Supervisors.  The contract makes significant economic...

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Grievance at Mule Creek State Prison

UAPD has challenged management practices at Mule Creep State Prison. Specifically, UAPD is opposing MCSP's directive that Bargaining Unit 16 employees sign-in and sign-out of work. MCSP already has an electronic key card ID system that makes a manual log-in...

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Santa Barbara TA Approved

On December 2nd, UAPD Santa Barbara County members voted in favor of a two-year agreement (through November 2017).  There were heated discussions over aspects of the agreement, with strong feelings expressed on both sides of the issue.  Concerns about a 5% increase...

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Resolutions Passed at the UAPD 2015 Triennial

View photos from 2015 Triennial on Flickr BE IT RESOLVED THAT: UAPD Support and Advocate for Changes in Federal Law to authorize employed physicians who are supervisors or managers to unionize for purposes of collective bargaining under the National Labor Relations...

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Two New Groups Win First Contracts!

UAPD has accelerated its organizing program over the last year, bringing hundreds of new members into the Union.  After each organizing campaign is finished comes the even more challenging task -- negotiating a first contract with a sometimes recalcitrant employer. ...

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