
UAPD Updates

UAPD Pulse – New Growth

Stuart A. Bussey, MD, JD | As the pandemic winds down, the Spring shows signs of new life and growth…and that includes UAPD. Check out our new, evolving website. It has fresh news updates and information about our union. We will be adding an interactive member’s...

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UAPD Sponsors Bill to Expand Medical Parole

UAPD is a co-sponsor of AB 960 (Bonta) – Medical Parole. A medical parole hearing is used to determine if an inmate who is permanently medically incapacitated should be placed in a licensed health care facility in the community rather than cared for inside a State...

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Santa Barbara County News

During the COVID-19 pandemic, UAPD has held member meetings via zoom and teleconference. One current issue the union is addressing is how the administration urging patients to sign up for direct messaging with their providers, which will require more physician time. ...

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