
UAPD Updates

Fair Share Campaign Update

As of Monday, September 22, UAPD has kicked off our BU 324 fair share campaign.  We are asking members who haven’t done so already to sign and return a card or petition to express their support for holding an election on the fair share issue – call the UAPD office at...

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State Bargaining Update for August 27, 2008

The following topics were covered in the latest session: Information Request – In a turnaround from last week, CDCR has agreed to provide the requested information about discipline and contractors to UAPD. Use of State Equipment (3.1) – UAPD and the State rolled over...

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State Bargaining Update for August 21, 2008

The following topics were covered: Information Requests – UAPD has received most of the information we requested from the State on the use of contractors and the investigation of doctors. However, CDCR has refused to provide some information, and claims to be unable...

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State Bargaining Update for August 15, 2008

Our most recent session of bargaining took place on Thursday, August 15. The following topics were covered in the latest session: Information Request -- UAPD renewed our request for information on the investigation of doctors and hiring of contractors. Arbitration...

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UAPD and LA County Officials Meet over Stipend Issue

On Monday, August 4th, the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) and LA County officials met for the third time to negotiate over the salaries of LA County doctors who are paid in part through University stipends.  Article 7, Section 2, Subsection “A”, of...

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Bargaining Update for July 23, 2008

Our most recent session of bargaining took place on Wednesday, July 23. Department of Social Services Information – On Wednesday, Robert Stavis from the Department of Social Services (DSS) gave a lengthy presentation in response to our information request of a number...

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