
UAPD Updates

Third Furlough Day for State Workers

On July 1, 2009 Governor Schwarzenegger signed an Executive order reinstating "Furlough Fridays" and  increasing the number of required furlough days to three. The move amounts to an additional 4.62 percent pay cut for state workers, bringing their total reduction in...

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State Bargaining Update for June 10, 2009

UAPD representatives met with the Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) on June 9th to discuss the possibility of layoffs for Bargaining Unit 16. It is the Union’s belief that the State of California has a shortage of doctors in its ranks, and that the cuts...

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Paychecks, Not IOUs, for UAPD Doctors

State Controller John Chiang announced this week that he will be forced to issue  registered  warrants, also known as IOUs, beginning July 2 if immediate budget and cash solutions are not quickly adopted by the Governor and Legislature. However, the State...

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Details of the Santa Cruz County Tentative Agreement

The UAPD Negotiating Committee has reached a second Tentative Agreement (TA) with the County of Santa Cruz over a successor collective bargaining agreement. This TA also settles the Unfair Labor Practice Charge filed by the Union against the County and contains...

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