
UAPD Updates

Possible Conflict of Interest in Proposed UC/CDCR Deal?

While the University of California eventually released statements denying that UC Vice President John Stobo, the main proponent of NuPhysicia plan, ever benefitted financially from his relationship with that company (Stobo was the non-executive founding chairman of...

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Schwarzenegger’s Latest Bad Idea: NuPhysicia and CDCR

This morning the LA Times reported that the Schwarzenegger administration is trying to push through a backroom deal to hand all prison medical care over to the University of California (UC) system, under a proposal drafted by the Texas company NuPhysicia. This would...

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State Bargaining Update for March 13, 2009

Negotiations continued this week between the UAPD Bargaining Team and representatives from the State of California. Major issues are still on the table, with recent talks focusing on the furlough plan, the on-call program, the DSS bonus plan, and voluntary personal...

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Second Furlough Lawsuit Victory

On Thursday February 25th, Judge Frank Roesch ruled in favor of UAPD in our case requesting back pay for furloughed state workers who are paid from sources other than the State's general fund. Judge Roesch delivered the same ruling in multiple cases filed by several...

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State Bargaining Update for February 20, 2009

On Thursday February 19, 2009 State Legislators passed a budget that the Governor is expected to sign today, bringing to an end more than three months of political deadlock in Sacramento. UAPD has been actively lobbying to remove doctor layoffs from the...

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