
UAPD Updates

Napa State Hospital in the News

In reponse to the violent attacks at Napa State Hospital and other Department of Mental Health facilities, UAPD-represented doctors have been speaking on the record with the press to bring public attention to the problem of patient and worker safety in the state's...

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Ventura County Doctors Fight For UAPD

More than sixty physicians in Ventura County has been fighting to join UAPD for more than four years, staying committed to the idea of having a union even though their employer has opposed it at every step.  “The main reason we wanted a union is that county management...

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DMH Consultant Nirbhay Singh Abruptly Resigns

Singh, Consultant to California Mental Hospitals, Abruptly Resigns By Lee Romney and John Hoeffel / Los Angeles Times / January 28, 2011 ... His resignation, which is effective Tuesday, comes less than two weeks after The Times interviewed a top state Department of...

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