
UAPD Updates

UAPD Helps Build Oppositition to DMH Layoffs

Sue Wilson, a representative for the Union of American Physicians and Dentists, said the letters arrived just as the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health demanded that the Department of Mental Health increase staffing levels at Patton and Atascadero...

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UAPD President Gives Testimony Against Contracting

On February 21, 2012 the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on State Administration held an oversight hearing on the contracting out of State work.  UAPD President Dr. Stuart Bussey presented testimony about why contracting out of doctor services presents a problem for all...

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TA Reached in Santa Cruz

On February 14th, the UAPD Bargaining Team signed a Tentative Agreement in Santa Cruz County.  Some gains were made and concessions were held to a minimum, which includes protecting the existing retiree health benefit for all bargaining unit members and retirees.  All...

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Concerns Rising about Receivership End

Advocates for inmates and some medical officials question whether the system will continue to improve without federal oversight. Read Full Article Inmate advocates question California's commitment to prison healthcare in the Los Angeles Times

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AB 109 Information for CDCR Employees

CDCR Resources and Contact Information:  For official information regarding CDCR reductions see CDCR's Employee Layoff Resources Website.  The CDCR Human Resources Helpline can be called between 8 am and 5 pm weekdays at 1-888-793-4473 (select option #2).  You can...

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