
UAPD Updates

NEVHC Bargaining: Financial Proposals Discussed

The UAPD Bargaining Team continues to meet each week with North East Valley Health Corporation (NEVHC) management to negotiate over the provisions that will be in the first contract for providers.  Negotiating a first contract generally takes longer than subsequent...

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DSS Bonus Plan and Pensions

Back in 2010, UAPD attorneys helped a retired State doctor file a claim with Cal-PERS seeking to recalculate his pension payment to reflect the bonuses he had earned while working for the Department of Social Services (DSS).  For years DSS employees had been making...

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Strong Agreement Ratified in Santa Clara County

After sticking together through months of difficult bargaining, Santa Clara doctors have won an agreement that meets all of their key demands.  The Agreement was ratified overwhelmingly by members this week; next it goes to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors...

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Order Proposition Posters and Buttons Today

Vote by mail ballots go out in early October, so now is the time to ask your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors to vote Yes on Prop 30 and No on Prop 32.  Prop 30 will increase taxes in order to protect vital public services.  The additional revenue is needed...

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Letter From UAPD President Bussey to Los Angeles Doctors

Dear Los Angles Physicians, Members of BU 324 overwhelming ratified the tentative agreement reached between the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) and Los Angeles County in August.  The new contract for LA County physicians will go into effect pending...

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