
State of California BU 16 Retirees

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your UAPD representative.

Membership Application

Membership is what gives our union power. You must submit an application and pay discounted dues to be a retiree member of UAPD.

recent news

CalPERS Saw Double-Digit Gains in 2010

Reprinted from CalPERSresponds.com | January 26, 2011 CalPERS earned a 12.5 percent net return on investments for the 2010 calendar year. The solid net returns mark the second straight calendar year of double-digit gains for the nation’s largest public pension fund....

CalPERS Always on Track

The UAPD Retirees’ chapter held a meeting in San Diego on October 23rd.  The retirees discussed the exaggerated and untruthful attacks on the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) being made by Meg Whitman and other Republican candidates for office...

UAPD Retiree Chapter Chartered, Officers Elected

One highlight of the 2009 Triennial Convention was the chartering of the new UAPD Retiree Chapter. On the day before the convention, a group of retired doctors met to elect officers and adopt a constitution for the new union. They also heard from Steve Regenstrief of...

Legislative Advocacy

Every year UAPD sponsors and endorses state legislature bills that are beneficial to working doctors and those they care for.

Legal Expertise

UAPD stewards and staff get advice and support from experienced labor attorneys.

Know Your Rights

Union members have the right to union representation at any meeting with management that they reasonably believe may lead to discipline. These are called Weingarten Rights.

You can save thousands of dollars on products and services by taking advantage of discounts provided to union members by Union Plus and AFSCME Advantage.

As the year progressed, our members demanded to have a stronger voice in health decisions affecting their patients, especially concerning public health decisions.

– UAPD President Stuart Bussey, MD, JD

With greater strength and diversity comes an opportunity and responsibility to comment upon health issues that affect our members, their patients, and the public in general.

– UAPD President Stuart A. Bussey, MD, JD

Traditional physician interactions are being altered in this 21st-century pandemic.

– UAPD President Stuart A. Bussey, MD, JD