
California State of California Doctors

Free CME: Prescriptions for a Violent Society

Friday, April 29, 2011  •  10 am - 2:30 pm Miramonte Resort and Spa 45000 Indian Wells Lane,  Indian Wells, CA [member] To register online, click HERE. [/member] [member] Download Course Flyer HERE. [/member] Four (4) Complimentary CME/CE Credits Available for UAPD...

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Napa State Hospital in the News

In reponse to the violent attacks at Napa State Hospital and other Department of Mental Health facilities, UAPD-represented doctors have been speaking on the record with the press to bring public attention to the problem of patient and worker safety in the state's...

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DMH Consultant Nirbhay Singh Abruptly Resigns

Singh, Consultant to California Mental Hospitals, Abruptly Resigns By Lee Romney and John Hoeffel / Los Angeles Times / January 28, 2011 ... His resignation, which is effective Tuesday, comes less than two weeks after The Times interviewed a top state Department of...

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Safety Now! Rally at Napa State Hospital on January 19

Patients, staff, and members of our community are put at risk when proper safety measures are not in place.  It is time for the California Department of Mental Health to make SAFETY NOW a top priority at Napa State Hospital and all other DMH facilities. SAFETY NOW!...

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State BU 16 Doctors Get Another Day Off

Last week an agreement was reached to increase the number of professional development days for State of California Bargaining Unit 16 doctors from 1 day to 2 days per year. Both sides also agreed to change the time frame for using the time from a calendar year to a...

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