
California State of California Doctors

Bargaining Roundup: Counties, Clinics, CSU

In recent years the best strategy for many county bargaining units has been to rollover the current contract rather than negotiate a new one, assuming the employer agrees to do so. While extending a contract generally means no new salary increases, it also means no...

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Furlough Case Takes Disappointing Turn

Oon May 16th, UAPD was dismayed to learn that San Francisco’s First District Court of Appeals reversed a lower court decision in favor of  UAPD on the issue of furloughs. In a case first filed in 2009, UAPD argued that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had not received...

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Cal-OSHA Fines DMH for Safety Violations in Napa

Speaking on behalf of the Union of American Physicians and Dentists, UAPD President Dr. Stuart Bussey responded:  "We are pleased that OSHA has issued these fines against the Department of Mental Health, but frankly, it's not enough.  $100,000 is peanuts compared to a...

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NPRs “Morning Edition” Examines DMH Violence

UAPD-represented doctors and other union members contributed to a hard-hitting, two-part special report about Napa State Hospital violence, which is being broadcast nationally on National Public Radio (NPR).  You can listen to  Day 1 or Day 2 of the report by veteran...

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CalPERS Saw Double-Digit Gains in 2010

Reprinted from CalPERSresponds.com | January 26, 2011 CalPERS earned a 12.5 percent net return on investments for the 2010 calendar year. The solid net returns mark the second straight calendar year of double-digit gains for the nation’s largest public pension fund....

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