
California State of California Doctors

A Brief Update on Sierra Conservation Center

SCC recently rolled out the Electronic Health Record System (EHRS). A grievance was filed regarding the inadequate training. The department has agreed to provide additional training to staff. The UAPD participated in the Meet and Confer process regarding the...

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Just Culture Policy Finalized!

Under the new policy, Union members and management will educate the workforce on the new policy, identify potential system deficiencies in various departments, and recruit team members to assist in resolving potential problems.  Just Culture will focus less on...

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Clarification about State Doctor Salary Memo

UAPD has received questions from CDCR and CCHCS doctors regarding a recent memorandum that was distributed to employees. The memorandum was titled "Excluded and Exempt Salary Increases for Fiscal Year 17-18."   The 2017 pay increases described in that...

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Update on Coleman Lawsuit

As part of our ongoing collaboration, UAPD President Stuart Bussey and staff held a call with Coleman plaintiffs' attorneys last week. The attorneys were able to present a compelling case that CDCR is not providing adequate mental health care, based in part on...

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UAPD Files Charges Against State Hospitals

Several months ago, Napa State Hospital management distributed a memorandum to the medical staff stating that they had decided to utilize the Personal Duress Alarm System (PDAS) as the primary method to contact physicians, because management had determined that the...

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