

CalPERS Always on Track

The UAPD Retirees’ chapter held a meeting in San Diego on October 23rd.  The retirees discussed the exaggerated and untruthful attacks on the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) being made by Meg Whitman and other Republican candidates for office...

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UAPD Presses DMH About Safety

Longtime Napa State Hospital Psychiatric Technician Donna Gross lost her life at the hands of a mentally-ill patient last week. This tragedy highlights what UAPD and other unions have been telling state administrators for years -- medical workers, including doctors,...

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Selected References — Electronic Health Records

Balancing Good Intentions (PDF) Enhancing Primary Care Through Online Communication (PDF) Health Information Technology and Health Care Reform (PDF) HEALTH PRIVACY IN THE ELECTRONIC AGE (PDF) HIPPOCRATES WOULD ROLL OVER IN HIS GRAVE (PDF) Implementation of an...

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