
California Counties

LA County Doctors Discuss Department Merger

Los Angeles County Supervisors are considering a plan to merge the county's public health department and its mental health agency with the Department of Health Services, which now runs county hospitals and clinics.  How will UAPD members fit into the plan?  How could...

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“Manpower Shortage” Increases Go Into Effect

Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, doctors have been in high demand.  During the last round of negotiations, UAPD argued strenuously that the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) was underpaying many of its doctors, making...

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Difficult Negotiatons with AHS

Alameda Health Systems' persistent failure to be prepared for bargaining sessions shows disrespect to the UAPD membership and the bargaining process.  Bargaining has been cancelled four times due to lack of preparation on the part of AHS. In addition, AHS has failed...

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UAPD and Alameda Health Services Far Apart in Bargaining

Alameda Health Services has shown itself to be ill-prepared to bargain with UAPD doctors.  Over the last few months, they have cancelled four sessions of bargaining with UAPD.  AHS has also failed to provide vital information necessary for the Union to prepare and...

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Next CCSF Raise

Classes 2230, 2232, and 2233 will receive salary increases ranging from 10.8% at the highest Steps to 12.1% for Steps 3 through 5, effective January 3, 2015. These raises are the final installment of increases that your bargaining team successfully fought for in...

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Message from UAPD’s AHS Bargaining Committee

Your UAPD Committee has been meeting with AHS Management weekly since August to negotiate a new contract for the UAPD physicians and dentists.  So far, we have proposed improvements to tuition reimbursement; increased educational leave; board certification fee...

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