For the first time in over 15 years, Santa Clara doctors were able to ratify a successor agreement before the expiration of the previous contract. The three year contract will increase base salaries for all UAPD specialties by 13% in the first year with an additional...
California Counties
Strong Contract Settled in San Joaquin County
After several months of work, the UAPD Negotiating Committee has reached an agreement with San Joaquin County. The team made several significan economic gains, particularly for those specialists who are difficult to recruit and retain. In addition to annual 2% cost...
San Joaquin Administrators Fall Short
When your UAPD Negotiating team met with administrators last Friday, we believed we were close to reaching a a deal. After all, your colleagues at the table had made significant concessions regarding market adjustments for ALL specialties by agreeing to focus...
Santa Clara Bargaining Update
The UAPD Negotiating Committee has been meeting with the County on a regular basis. UAPD submitted a comprehensive package proposal, which includes competitive market adjustments for all specialties; improvements to tuition reimbursement and license/certification...
Santa Cruz Bargaining Begins
The contract between the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) and Santa Cruz County expires on November 11th. Bargaining for the next contract began on Friday. Dr. Sanford and Dr. Yazgan will serve on the UAPD bargaining team, alongside labor...
Press Release: AHS Psychiatrists Denounce Department Chair Over Wasteful Contract
Oakland -- By a vote of 38 to 2, psychiatrists at John George Psychiatric Hospital demanded that the Chair of the Department of Psychiatry, Joe Walker, M.D., be removed from that position. The doctors are no longer willing to tolerate a Chair who fails to treat...