
Los Angeles County Physicians

Ratification for Los Angeles Contract On The Horizon

As UAPD schedules the ratification process for the new Los Angeles contract, it is important that we have your most up-to-date contact information.  Voting will start soon and it is vital that every member gives their feedback on the new contract. Please sign up...

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CPOE Complaints: How They Work and How UAPD Can Help

In the last few months, there has been an increase in County Policy of Equity (CPOE) Complaints filed against our members.  It’s important to know your rights as a Union member when you are called by an investigator. Before you schedule that meeting, please...

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Activism On The Rise At Harbor UCLA

Activism at Harbor UCLA is picking up steam in the Pediatrics department regarding a wellness in service as well as in Internal Medicine with the Hospitalist workgroup. Harbor is working with OVMC to put together a job specification that may help during bargaining. We...

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Just Culture Policy Finalized!

Under the new policy, Union members and management will educate the workforce on the new policy, identify potential system deficiencies in various departments, and recruit team members to assist in resolving potential problems.  Just Culture will focus less on...

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