
Los Angeles County Physicians

LA County Grievance and Arbitration Cases of Interest

In addition to negotiating contracts, a union works to ensure that contract language is being properly implemented in the work place.  This helps all bargaining unit doctors, not just those directly affected, as the results in these cases set precedents that can be ...

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Supervisors Threaten to Cut LACERA Pension Benefits

In September 2010, on a motion by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, Los Angeles County CEO William Fujioka submitted a report to the Board of Supervisors called “Options to Reform the County Pension System.”  The County claims to face a $26 billion...

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Peer Review Breached in LA County

In a case that has troubling implications for all public sector doctors, some of the Los Angeles County supervisors asked for and were granted access to medical  peer review documents from Olive View county hospital, which is part of the UCLA Medical Center. The Los...

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Major Grievance Victories in LA County

As important as negotiating strong contracts is enforcing them, and in 2010 UAPD has had great success in holding Los Angeles County to the terms of our contracts. Vigorous contract enforcement protects doctors, those with specific grievances as well as all others,...

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