
Los Angeles County Physicians

LA Psychiatrists and Dentists Approve New Contract

UAPD Members in Los Angeles County Bargaining Unit 325 (Dentists and Psychiatrists) overwhelmingly ratified a agreement reached by the negotiating team on February 20, 2014.  The 18 month agreement includes three across-the-board pay increases of 2% each.  In...

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Los Angeles Physicians Ratfiy New Contract

UAPD members in Los Angeles County Bargaining Unit 324 (Physicians) have voted overwhelmingly in favor of approving the Tentative Agreement reached in January, with 96% of the votes in favor of ratification.  In total, salary and benefits will increase by as much as...

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New Training Fund Takes Shape In LA County

As part of the last Memorandum of Understanding between the Dentist and Psychiatrist Unit (BU 325) and Los Angeles County, UAPD negotiated a new $400,000 training and education fund.  The goal of that fund is to provide doctors with training related to health care...

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Many LA County Grievances Settled in Favor of Doctors

UAPD staff and stewards in Los Angeles County have been hard at work enforcing the UAPD contract.  In recent months, several grievances have been settled in favor of UAPD doctors.  For example: A Long Beach Comprehensive Health Center (CHC) physician filed a grievance...

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Letter From UAPD President Bussey to Los Angeles Doctors

Dear Los Angles Physicians, Members of BU 324 overwhelming ratified the tentative agreement reached between the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) and Los Angeles County in August.  The new contract for LA County physicians will go into effect pending...

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