
Los Angeles County Physicians

LA County Members Stand Up for Department Integration

On August 11th the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of integrating the existing health care departments into a single agency.  More than 25 UAPD members, doctors and pharmacists, testified in favor of integration before the vote took place.  Many...

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LA County Doctors Support Department Integration

UAPD-represented doctors in the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS), Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Public Health (DPH), and the Sheriff's Department medical services are in support of a new plan to unite the departments into a...

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Los Angeles County Pharmacists Join UAPD

With all the votes counted, 202 Los Angeles County pharmacists have voted in favor of joining UAPD, with just 17 voting for the Guild, and 1 voting for No Representation.  That is more than 90% of the votes in favor of the new union.  Based on these ERCOM, the labor...

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The Urge to Merge

Los Angeles County has officially published a proposal to integrate its three main health care agencies--the Department of Health Services (DHS), the Department of Mental  Health (DMH) and the Department of Public Health (DPH).  Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas has also...

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LA County Doctors Discuss Department Merger

Los Angeles County Supervisors are considering a plan to merge the county's public health department and its mental health agency with the Department of Health Services, which now runs county hospitals and clinics.  How will UAPD members fit into the plan?  How could...

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“Manpower Shortage” Increases Go Into Effect

Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, doctors have been in high demand.  During the last round of negotiations, UAPD argued strenuously that the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) was underpaying many of its doctors, making...

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