
UAPD Members Triumph: State of California Agrees to Significant Changes in MAT Program

The Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) is thrilled to announce that after five years, an agreement has been reached between the UAPD and the California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) regarding the unfair labor practice charge filed on the statewide implementation of Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment (ISUDT)/Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program.

This victory is a testament to the power of our membership. Without your engagement throughout this process, we would not have prevailed. Your unwavering support and dedication played a crucial role in achieving financial gains and improvements in the workplace.

Both parties have agreed on the following:

Financial Settlement

The State will pay a total of $13.9 million to eligible physicians and surgeons who worked for CCHCS between January 1, 2020, and August 31, 2024. The payment will be distributed pro rata based on the number of months each employee worked during this period. Payment will be issued by the State Controller’s Office in the form of a one-time lump sum payment.

Within 45 days, CCHCS will provide the UAPD with a list of individuals determined to be eligible for the payment and their respective payment amounts. Upon receiving the list, we will review and provide the State with a list of any additional individuals we believe are eligible for the payment and identify any discrepancies related to the payment amount.

Rescinding of Adverse Actions

The State agrees to review the personnel files of employees who may have faced adverse actions due to not obtaining an X-Waiver or failing to provide full MAT services. If such actions are found to be unjustified, they will be rescinded.

Given the outcome, this updated agreement is an addendum to the existing contract outlining the terms and conditions for the MAT program.

Key points:

  • A workgroup will be established to review and make recommendations on the ISUDT Program.
  • The Deputy Director of Medical Services will review existing duty statements to ensure they reflect current duties.
  • BU16 physicians and surgeons will have real-time access to ISUDT co-consult and support to manage patients.
  • CCHCS will provide training and shadowing opportunities for newly hired employees.
  • Compensation issues will be addressed during bargaining for the upcoming MOU expiring June 2025.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your UAPD representative