
Unionized Health Care Workers at DC Homeless Shelters File Unfair Labor Charge

Two months after collective bargaining began between Unity Health Care (UHC) and its unionized providers, the organization representing the providers’ union has filed an unfair labor charge against UHC for failing to bargain in good faith, retaliating and silencing workers. The providers hope to reach a collective bargaining agreement quickly to improve working and safety conditions and better serve community members. 

“Unity continues to disrespect Washington, D.C.’s essential health care workers through unsafe working conditions, through a culture of bullying and intimidation, a revolving door of overpaid executives, lack of transparency and communication, lack of breaks or administrative time for these providers, withholding of workers pay and schedules that have left us overworked and exhausted,” said Cary Lane, the northeast regional director for the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD), which represents physicians and medical practitioners at UHC, at a press conference on April 30.