
Monterey County Physicians Unionize with the Union of American Physicians and Dentists to Address Workplace Concerns and Patient Care in the City of Salinas

Physicians employed at the County of Monterey hospitals and clinics throughout the city of Salinas have unionized with the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD).

“This marks the fulfillment of a long-awaited desire for this county,” a physician stated. “The regain of some autonomy will be a stepping stone towards dealing with the burnout of our medical providers.” 

“Over the years, the healthcare system has been driven by profit and silencing the voices of physicians. The county granting union recognition marks a turning point,” said Stuart Bussey, M.D., J.D., UAPD president. “These physicians now have a seat at the table to ensure their voices are heard in matters related to patient care and workplace policies and conditions.”

The UAPD submitted a petition to unionize on behalf of the physicians on December 30, 2023, after a majority of them signed union authorization cards pledging their interest in having the UAPD represent them in negotiations with the county.

The county issued union recognition on February 27, 2024.