
CSU Contract Goes Into Effect

Having been unanimously ratified by UAPD members and approved by the CSU Board of Trustees, the new memorandum of agreement for doctors working in the CSU student health centers has gone into effect.  A summary of the agreement is included below, and the full text will be posted online shortly.  Doctors should see first pay increase, including retroactive pay back to July 1, 2014, on their March pay check.

Summary of Agreement

*Three year contract expires June 30, 2017

*Salary Increases:  Upon ratification, the salary floor increases 10%, raising the minimum salary from $10,617 to $11,679 per month for a full time appointment.  Anyone currently earning below the minimum salary will be adjusted up to that minimum, retroactive back to July 1, 2014.  Also upon ratification, all unit members will receive a 3% salary increase retroactive back to July 1, 2014.  Those who had their salaries adjusted to $11,679 (per month per FTE) will receive the 3% increase on top of that amount.  Next there will be a 2% increase on July 1, 2015, and an additional 2% increase on July 1, 2016.  UAPD negotiated “me too” language tied to the California Faculty Association, so if CFA members receive raises higher than those listed above, doctors will receive those increases as well.  Lastly, under the new contract the CSU President may establish an equity increase program, with first priority for awards given to doctors with 15 years of service.  UAPD will strongly advocate for these additional pay increases to correct existing inequalities.

*Probation:   UAPD TA’d on language that says time worked by a part-time employee can be counted towards the probationary period for a full-time job.  Also, any employee on probation can request a review after one year, when the President or designee can make the employment permanent.  Before this change in language, part-time employees had no guarantee that their time would count towards a permanent position, and the probation period was a mandatory two years.

*Pre-Discipline has been changed to Progressive Discipline, which is defined in the contract.  CSU has to follow a more formal set of guidelines under Progressive Discipline, giving greater protection to doctors.

*Alternative Work Schedule:  Employees are now allowed to request alternate work schedules, with approval subject to mutual agreement by the employee and the President or designee.  Before this language change, management did not have to respond to employee requests for alternate schedules.

*Safety Committee:  At each campus UAPD can designate a member to participate on the campus-wide Safety Committee in order to represent the interests of unit employees.

*Contracting Out:  Language has been strengthened so that the Union can meet and confer over the impact of any contract that lasts more than one year.  Previous language stated that the Union could meet and confer only about contracts that lasted “over a long period of time,” a vague standard which made it hard to hold CSU accountable for its contracting behavior.

*Union Rights:  Management will provide employee addresses to UAPD, making it easier to organize doctors into union membership.

*Disability Insurance Improved:  The maximum weekly payment for eligible employees is raised from $135 to $250.

*Professional Development:  New language ensures that requests for time off for professional development not be unreasonably denied. Any denials will be documented in writing within five business days of the request.

*New Joint Committee:  A new Joint Labor-Management Committee on each campus, plus a statewide committee, will meet regularly to discuss Health Center policies and the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.