
Bargaining Update for UC Doctors

The UAPD Bargaining Team has met twice with the University of California management team. The team members are Amol Doshi, M.D. (UC San Diego), Sean Kennedy, M.D. (UC Davis), C. McDaniel, M.D. (UC Los Angeles), Jeffrey Nelson, M.D. (UC Berkeley), Harry Siemonsma, M.D. (UC Irvine), Al Groh (UAPD Executive Director), Jeff Duritz (UAPD Chief Negotiator), and Jake Baxter (UAPD Representative and Lead Organizer).  The team is negotiating a first contract for the student health and counseling center doctors (physicians, dentists, and podiatrists) at the ten UC campuses. The contract will cover salary, benefits, and all other terms and conditions of employment.

At the first session on January 29, the two sides agreed to ground rules that will govern the negotiations. At meeting on February 12, UAPD submitted several proposals, including job classification protections and union representative access. UC proposals included some standard benefits language, but also a provision that would allow the University to change the terms of retiree health and the pension during the term of our contract. The UAPD team is of course opposed to ceding this authority while a negotiated agreement is in force.

Additional bargaining sessions are scheduled for the end of February and mid-March. By the end of March, UAPD will submit economic proposals. UAPD will continue to send updates in order to keep everyone informed.