
Santa Cruz County Furlough Bank

On May 17th, 2011, the Board of Supervisors approved the imposition of 156 hours of furloughs for each full-time equivalent employee (pro-rated for part-time employees) in the unit for fiscal year 2011-2012.  The County agreed to once again establish and administer a Voluntary Furlough Time Bank for employees in the Physician’s Representation Unit.  The purpose of the Voluntary Furlough Bank was to offer those doctors who wanted more time off without pay a way to get it, while balancing the needs of those employees who want to minimize their time off without pay.

All employees in the Physician’s Representation Unit are still required to serve a base amount of five (5%) in a fixed furlough schedule.  Then doctors were given the option of whether or not to select additional furlough hours.  While there were some problems with the distribution of the Furlough Time Application form, it is my understanding that all doctors were eventually contacted and received an acceptable furlough schedule for the coming year.  If there are any problems I don’t know about, please e-mail me or call (510-926-0408).