One highlight of the 2009 Triennial Convention was the chartering of the new UAPD Retiree Chapter. On the day before the convention, a group of retired doctors met to elect officers and adopt a constitution for the new union. They also heard from Steve Regenstrief of the AFSCME Retired Members Department, who described the national retiree program and the successes of local chapters. On the day of the convention, UAPD President Dr. Stuart Bussey asked the first set of officers to sign the charter marking the birth of the new Retiree Chapter.
The new officers are:
Dr. Joyce Sutton, President
Dr. Steve Hague, Vice President
Gary Robinson, Treasurer
Dr. Jean Howard, Secretary
The chapter has already begun its work, identifying the protection of State pension plans as one of its first goals. There are also plans to educate retired members about their pensions and other matters, and to recruit more retired members into the new union.